Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Summer recap

We took the summer off from our Blog, so here's a recap of our highlights from Summer '09.
As always, the major event of the summer in our family is the triple birthday bonanza. Jordan's b-day is July 8, while the girls are July 5, so each year we usually just combine the parties into one crazy event. Here we had the slip and slide out for the b-day bash. As always it was a hit. Here Jord demo's proper form for the approach:

Present opening time: the girls love their new dresses and basically refused to wear anything but these for a couple weeks.

Jordan relishes his new skateboard. He took "skate camp" for a week this summer and loved it. It payed off too. He can now do the half-pipe and other tricks pretty well.

A 10 yr old and two 7 yr olds! I don't know what they're wishing for right now but Mom & Dad might wish for them to stop growin up so fast for cryin out loud.

Jordan approves of the ice cream cake

So does Emma along with her friends.

There's a huge tree in our neighborhood like something out of swiss family robinson that has a swing and a climbing net etc. Needless to say it's a popular kid hang out. Andie swingin away here.

Grandma & Grandpa check out the tree too. Havin Gram & Gramp Patty visit was the highlight of the summer.

Emma loves the swing too

Takin Gram & Gramp to the beach.

Jordan was in heaven when Grandpa took him fishing. Tons were biting, but nothing stuck until this poor guy met his match with Jordan's pole.

Andie also enrolled in Grandpa's fishing class.

And quickly masters the art of the cast....sort of

Emma preferrs spectator. Actually she fished too.

Andie also was part of a big base community play this summer, a version of the Jungle book. She had to try out and was so excited to make the cut. She's the monkey on the front far left.

She practiced hard for it and had a great time.

Finally, sis congratulates her with flowers.
That's it for now. We're all back in the full swing of fall with the kids busy in 5th/2nd grade, and Shell back at work at the school too for another year. James got a few days off post-deployment but opens clinic back up in a few days, nad James and Shell are looking forward to going on a little couple's vacation to Australia in a few weeks. We'll keep you posted!

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